IX Solidarity Walk Against Cancer

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The Natural Park of Serra Calderona, with the collaboration of the Association Tot Axerra and the City Council of Serra, organize a solidarity walk for the benefit of the Spanish Association Against Cancer.

We invite you to join us with your participation and that of your family and friends. It is a non-competitive walk where, in addition to making an act of solidarity by making a donation for the benefit of research against such a serious disease, you can enjoy a guided tour of this protected natural area of great beauty.

The route starts at the Polideportivo de Serra, where the donation will be collected. From there we will walk to Valoria and the Carthusian monastery of Portaceli, to return to the village. Are you up for it?

Date: February 25, 2024
Meeting point and time: Polideportivo de Serra at 9:00 h.
Donation: 5 euros
Distance and information: It is a circular route of medium-low difficulty, 10 km.
Duration of the activity: 4 hours approximately.
NOTICE: Prior registration. Limited places. serra_calderona@gva.es

IMPORTANT: The organizers reserve the right to change the itinerary depending on the weather or the state of the route at the time of the activity. It is recommended to bring appropriate footwear, water and lunch.